Minggu, 30 November 2008

apa sih Wi-Fi?

Penggunaan Wi-Fi

1.Sekali lagi, apa sih Wi-Fi?

Wi-Fi adalah salah satu standard wireless networking. Dengan menggunakan peralatan yang sesuai, kita bisa terkoneksi ke jaringan tanpa menggunakan kabel. Saat ini secara umum berlaku standard IEEE 802.11b, IEEE 802.11a dan IEEE 802.11g.

2. Perangkat yang dibutuhkan

Dari sisi pengguna, peralatan yang dibutuhkan adalah

* Laptop: tentu saja untuk mengakses internet, anda memerlukan sebuah komputer.Laptop anda harus memiliki slot PCMCIA , karena pada slot ini nanti kita akan memasukkan perangkat Wi-Fi.

* Wifi PCMCIA Card: peralatan yang berfungsi sebagai pemancar dan penerima sinyal.

3. Pemasangan card dan instalasi driver

* Periksa dulu letak slot PCMCIA pada laptop anda.
* Kemudian masukkan Wi-Fi Card anda
* Sampai dengan masuk sempurna
* Setelah itu, maka sistem operasi akan mendeteksi hardware yang baru dimasukkan
* Selanjutnya kita masukkan CD driver dari vendor card.
* Windows akan mencari driver yang sesuai.
* Setelah ketemu dan terinstall, maka akan muncul konfirmasi bahwa hardware telah terinstall
* Setelah semuanya selesai, berarti driver anda sudah terinstall. Langkah ini cukup dilakukan sekali, ketika pertama kali card anda dimasukkan.


Jika anda menjumpai logo seperti di atas pada laptop anda, itu artinya komputer anda sudah memiliki perangkat Wi-Fi yang sudah built-in di dalam komputer anda. Sehingga anda tidak perlu menjalankan langkah2 instalasi seperti di atas. Anda bisa langsung loncat ke point berikut ini.

4. Melakukan koneksi

Setelah driver terinstall, kini saatnya anda melakukan koneksi.ke access point terdekat.

* Pada system tray, cari ikon yang menunjukkan wireless connection, kemudian klik kanan. Maka akan muncul menu pop up, pilih View Available Wireless Network
* Selanjutnya akan muncul sebuah jendela.

Apabila terdapat lebih dari satu access point, maka akan muncul nama-namanya pada jendela tersebut. Pilih salah satu nama access point, beri tanda centang pada Allow me to connect to the selected wireless network even though it is not secure.
Kemudian Klik tombol connect di bawahnya.
* Apabila koneksi berhasil, maka akan muncul konfirmasi sebagai berikut
* Untuk memastikannya, anda bisa memeriksa menggunakan perintah ifconfig, dan pastikan anda sudah mendapatkan nomor IP
* Selanjutnya anda bisa melakukan aktivitas berinternet seperti biasa.

Selasa, 25 November 2008

After Action Review

After-action review
What is an after-action review?
An after-action review (AAR) is a tool to evaluate and capture lessons learned. It takes the form of a quick and informal discussion at the end of a project or at a key stage within a project or activity.

When to use an after-action review
After-action reviews enable individuals involved to:

review what has happened summarise new knowledge decide what action should be taken next.This discussion should cover:

what happened and why what went well what needs improvement what lessons can be learned from the experience.Why use an after-action review?
In local government, much work results in the creation of new knowledge. By formalising the way this knowledge is extracted and recorded, it can readily be made available to colleagues and other organisations facing similar challenges.

An AAR provides a quick way of making an informed decision about how to approach the next action.

How to run an after-action review?
An AAR involves major team members and is conducted as soon as possible after the specified stage, project or event. It is structured as an informal brainstorming session to build consensus on the following questions:

What was supposed to happen? What actually happened? Why were there differences? What did we learn? What are the lessons for next time?You may want to ask some more probing questions in these areas:

What did we set out to do? What were our objectives and deliverables? What did we actually achieve? What went well? What could have gone better? Why did it happen like that? What did we do? What would we do differently next time? How does this affect the next stage? What needs to be disseminated to whom and how?It is important to create an atmosphere of trust and openness, and to emphasise that this is a learning event, not a performance evaluation.

It is also important to focus on improvement and to ensure that any mistakes made or poor practice identified can be turned into a learning opportunity.

The review outcomes are normally captured during the session, on flip chart paper or electronically. This will depend on who the information is intended for and how it will be used.

By recording and storing the outcomes of the AAR on an intranet or website, those involved can refer back to what they have learned.

The material can also be shared with those who may benefit from the acquired learning, particularly those who are working on a similar project or activity.

An independent facilitator may be appointed to help draw out answers, insights and issues, and to ensure that everyone contributes. Alternatively, the AAR could be facilitated by someone from the project team.

Selasa, 18 November 2008

How To Select A Six Sigma Quality Improvement Project

You've identified a process improvement area within your business or department. It's easy to figure out what comes next -- just fill out a team charter, select the team and team leader, form the team and get out of the way, right? Well, sort of...

Why Select Projects?Selecting the right project can have a tremendous effect on your business. If done properly, processes will function more efficiently in 3 to 6 months, employees will feel satisfied and appreciated for making business improvements and ultimately shareholders will see the benefit. If project selection is done improperly, a project may be selected that doesn't have the full business buy-in, project roadblocks may not be removed due to other business priorities, the team may feel ineffective and the end result may be less than ideal. No one wins in this situation, especially the quality manager who may look to these same people the next time a need arises. So how do you make sure you select projects in-line with business priorities?
Select Projects In-Line With Your Business PrioritiesHere are five guidelines to keep handy the next time you are evaluating potential quality improvement projects:
Ask your business leader for the three greatest issues facing the business. Make sure your project is one of the issues or is directly related. This will ensure that your management team is giving the project the proper attention and quickly removing roadblocks.
What are the three greatest issues as seen from the eyes of your customers? Look through customer complaint logs, listen to call center telephone conversations and call customers that have stopped your company service. Create a pareto chart to prioritize issues. This will help with project prioritization and project selection.
Is the project manageable? Can the project realistically be completed by a team within six months? If longer, you may lose members as they move to other jobs or the team may feel frustrated that they're not making a difference.
Will the team have a measurable impact on the business processes or financial bottom line? Don't embark on a project without knowing what the benefits are to the business. This will keep your team motivated along the way.
What is your process capability? If you haven't been measuring your process, how do you know it needs improvement? Make sure you know what amount of defects the process is currently producing and define your project desired outcome.
Every business is different and you should ensure that your specific priorities are taken into account when evaluating and prioritizing potential projects. Spreadsheets or databases can help you organize potential projects by assigning evaluation categories, values and weightings to create a consistent selection process. If you create a project selection template and provide it to iSixSigma, you could be featured here!

Integrated management systems

What are integrated management systems?
Integrated means combined; putting all the internal management practices into one system but not as separate components. For these systems to be an integral part of the company's management system there have to be linkages so that the boundaries between processes are seamless.


A system is the interconnection of components to achieve a given objective. These components include the organisation, resources and processes. Therefore, people, equipment and culture are part of the system as well as the documented policies and practices.

A definition
An integrated management system (IMS) is a management system which integrates all components of a business into one coherent system so as to enable the achievement of its purpose and mission

What should be integrated?
Anything which has an effect on business results must be part of the management system. Therefore, an IMS should integrate all currently formalised systems focusing on quality, health and safety, environment, personnel, finance, security etc. What this means is that all the processes and the documents that describe them would be integrated.

What integration is not
For something to be integrated it does not just sit next to the other components - it has to be fixed to the others so as to make a whole. Therefore, putting the financial system, the quality system and the environmental system into one book of policies and procedures is not integrating management systems. Creating one national standard for management systems is not integration. Buying a software package which handles quality, safety and environmental documentation is not integration. Merging disciplines such as putting the quality manager, safety manager and environmental manager in one department is not integration. But neither are integrating just quality, health, safety and environment an IMS, as there is only one system in any business. It just so happens that some parts may be formalised and others not.

Integrated management
Sometimes the word 'system' gets omitted, thus changing the subject of integration from system to management. Integrated management is a concept whereby functional management is dispersed throughout an organisation so that managers manage a range of functions, eg a manufacturing manager would manage planning, manufacturing, safety, personnel, quality, environment, finance etc.

Why should management systems be integrated?
The reasons
There are several good reasons for integration, to:
1. Reduce duplication and therefore costs
2. Reduce risks and increase profitability
3. Balance conflicting objectives
4. Eliminate conflicting responsibilities and relationships
5. Diffuse the power system
6. Turn the focus onto business goals
7. Formalise informal systems
8. Harmonise and optimise practices
9. Create consistency
10 Improve communication
11.Facilitate training and development

The pressure
The pressure to integrate a company's management systems will be from within. It is doubtful that customers will demand an IMS. There are no national or international standards for integrated management systems.

How should systems be integrated?
There are several approaches which can be taken, depending on an organisation's current position.

If an organisation has a certificated QMS, it can build upon that by adding the necessary processes to cater for health, safety, environmental and other requirements of management system standards. All systems should share the following processes:
1. Bocument development and control
2. Training
3. Internal audit
4. Management review
5. Corrective action
6. Preventive action

There are a few important additions:
risk assessment
- this should address safety risks, environmental impacts and process failure modes. By having a common approach it will be easier to compare risks occurring in different parts of the business
regulations management
- this should cover the capture of regulations on health, safety, security, etc and their analysis and impact
programme management
- this should focus on specific improvement programmes such as safety, environmental and security improvement
public awareness
- this should address the notification aspects of health, safety and environment

The integration comes about by adding new practices to existing processes and hence revising documents to cover health, safety etc.
The weakness with this approach is that the quality of the result very much depends on the approach an organisation took when developing the original quality system.

Merging systems
If an organisation has more than one formal system - eg a quality management system and an environmental management system - it can merge the two systems and proceed to integrate other systems as it begins their formalisation. With this method the organisation can merge documentation where it supports the same process. However it will remain two separate systems unless the labels are removed and quality, safety and environment are no longer separated at the detail level.

System engineering approach
Whether an organisation has an existing formal system or no formal system, it can adopt the system engineering approach to management system development, ie design a system top-down to fulfil a specific objective. The benefits are that one coherent system can be built which serves business needs and does not tie the organisation to a particular standard. The standards are used to assist identify tasks and processes. This approach starts by looking at the business as a whole and establishing its purpose, mission and core processes which achieve this mission. The steps which follow on from this are as follows:

model the business
deploy functions to the model and form process development teams
analyse business processes using flow charts, standards and failure mode analysis techniques
formulate operational policies which will govern the processes
develop procedures to control each business process which define who does what where, when and how

capture existing documentation
identify documentation needs by linking the existing documents to the control procedures
develop document development plan
document the system
implement the new practices
With this approach, existing descriptions of processes, tasks etc are in use when they serve the process objective. If they do not they should be discarded and rewritten. Throughout the focus is on process, not separate disciplines.

Senin, 17 November 2008

Integrated Systems

Integrated Systems from IMS (Northern)
Integrating Quality (ISO 9001), Environment (ISO 14001) and Health and Safety (OHSAS 18001)
Effective Integrated Management Systems (IMSs) take into consideration all activities that have an effect on the business and are implemented at all levels within an organisation regardless of its size or function. A management system, be it quality, health & safety, environmental or financial, should operate seamlessly across all components as part of the day-to-day business functioning. Integration brings together the processes of these systems for effective business management.
Integrated Systems Flowchart

Benefits of an Integrated Management System
Greater focus on company objectives
Reduced business risk
Clearly defined roles and responsibilities for managing the integrated management system
Reduced documentation
Promotion of a single system
Reduced resources to manage the system
Easier to prioritise on key issues
More concise reporting structure
More efficient system – removes duplication
Easier to manage
Helps with multi-skilling

Proses bisnis

Proses bisnis

Dari Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia, ensiklopedia bebas

Proses bisnis adalah suatu kumpulan pekerjaan yang saling terkait untuk menyelesaikan suatu masalah tertentu. Suatu proses bisnis dapat dipecah menjadi beberapa subproses yang masing-masing memiliki atribut sendiri tapi juga berkontribusi untuk mencapai tujuan dari superprosesnya.

Analisis proses bisnis umumnya melibatkan pemetaan proses dan subproses di dalamnya hingga tingkatan aktivitas atau kegiatan.

Banyak definisi yang telah dijabarkan oleh para ahli manajemen mengenai proses bisnis (lihat bacaan lanjutan). Beberapa karakteristik umum yang dianggap harus dimiliki suatu proses bisnis adalah:

  1. Definitif: Suatu proses bisnis harus memiliki batasan, masukan, serta keluaran yang jelas.
  2. Urutan: Suatu proses bisnis harus terdiri dari aktivitas yang berurut sesuai waktu dan ruang.
  3. Pelanggan: Suatu proses bisnis harus mempunyai penerima hasil proses.
  4. Nilai tambah: Transformasi yang terjadi dalam proses harus memberikan nilai tambah pada penerima.
  5. Keterkaitan: Suatu proses tidak dapat berdiri sendiri, melainkan harus terkait dalam suatu struktur organisasi.
  6. Fungsi silang: Suatu proses umumnya, walaupun tidak harus, mencakup beberapa fungsi.

Sering kali pemilik proses, yaitu orang yang bertanggung jawab terhadap kinerja dan pengembangan berkesinambungan dari proses, juga dianggap sebagai suatu karakteristik proses bisnis.


A business process is a set of coordinated tasks and activities, conducted by both people and equipment, that will lead to accomplishing a specific organizational goal. Business process management (BPM) is a systematic approach to improving those processes. The Business Process Management Initiative (BPMI), a non-profit organization, exists to promote the standardization of common business processes, as a means of furthering e-business and business-to-business (B2B) development. To this end, the organization has developed the Business Process Modeling Language (BPML), an Extensible Markup Language (XML)-based metalanguage for modeling business processes